
You can send us your testimonies and stories of emigration: if you are an emigrant, or a relative of an emigrant, write to us and tell us your story: the best contributions will be published, on the pages of the site. The most interesting stories will also be considered for further initiatives (exhibitions, contests, publications).



Resena biografica de un inmigrante

Resena biografica de un inmigrante Toscana de simples y ejemplares virtudes; Giuseppe Giovanni Diani, nuestro padre, acompanado de una mujer de gran bondad y fortaleza;...


ADELMO RUGGERI This interview was very special. The person who was waiting for me very anxiously was my very dear grandfather. He was very joyful to...

A small wooden street

A Little Wooden Way: The Dalle Mura family Baldassare, was born in Camiore. One day in 1890, he decided to emigrate to Argentina ijn the company of the...

A biography

Ángel Carlo Bassi He was born on September 28, 1868, the son of Uberto Bacci and Sabina Pennacchi, natives of San Romano di Garfagnana,...


My grandfather Antonio Stefani and his wife residing in Bolognana had 9 children, one of whom died in the war, the family was a lot, the misery...

Florindo Seghetti

It is not easy to make a reassumption of the experiences of an emigrant, after the decision adopted for economic causes, and others derived from the need to face...

Andrea Guglielmi

I was born in Vallebona (IM) on 12/10/1960, to Eraldo (former municipal employee and farmer-floriculturist by passion) and Caterina Guglielmi (farmer-floriculturist daughter of Florindo, carpenter of the...