Paul Cresci

A passionate researcher and collector of historical documents, he has made several solo exhibitions of photography and on emigration.

Paolo Cresci (Scandicci 1943 - Signa 1997) served as a professional scientific photographer at the University of Florence. He was a passionate researcher and collector of documentation on the history of emigration. He made several solo exhibitions of photography and on emigration, participating in the most important Italian and foreign humor festivals and obtaining various awards.
In the 1970s., with designer Giuliano Rossetti, conceived the photographic work Interventions on the city and with cartoonist Marilena Magnani, Folklore and environment.
In 1973, the small photographic volume Humorists in Bordighera; since 1974 he has been interested in cultural anthropology research related to the world of images. He gave to the presses in the same year theSurvey of emigrationin Garfagnana displayed in the form of a traveling exhibition in several Italian cities.
In 1980, in collaboration with Luciano Guidobaldi published the volume Bastions depart, Mondadori Editore, Milan
In 1983 obtained the Silver Date in the fixed theme at the International Humor Show in Bordighera and the Council of Europe Award.
In 1986 published Bread from the seven crusts - one hundred years of emigration, Maria Pacini Fazzi Editore, a volume that included material from his very rich archive. He was interested for years in a documentary-photographic research on the land, the mill, bread and love, with popular iconographic and epistolary documents entitled The love toy. The exhibition I, the tree originated from an initial photo taken in 1972 and supplemented in subsequent years on anthropomorphic aspects of plants; in November 1986 and April 1987 it was exhibited in Città di Castello.
In July 1991, for the Garfagnana Cultural Circle, set up the exhibition Long live America where you eat if you spade - Garfagnana and emigration, accompanied by a small catalog.
In 1997 was among the curators of the exhibition The World in my hand , on Italian emigration in the world between 1860 and 1960, set up in New York on Ellis Island, using the most significant documents from his collection.
